Thursday, April 8, 2010

At the Mercy of Anxiety? Check Your BP (blood pressure)!

Do you find yourself feeling light-headed and out of breath during crunch time? Whether you're trying to beat a work deadline or running at the speed of light just so you could make it to the office in time, the effects such circumstances would have on your mental and physical system are the same: the onset of anxiety triggering a spike in your blood pressure. Even if you have no hypertension and are healthy throughout, fact has it that you too could experience a sudden, dramatic BP increase once anxiety sets in.

Although physically uncomfortable, these temporary BP spikes have no serious physical damage. As it is, it is not confirmed that anxiety directly causes hypertension. However, should the aforementioned episodes escalate to the point that you experience them more frequently or every day, then a lifestyle change coupled with a visit to your doctor are in order. Just like chronic hypertension, regularly experiencing a surge in your BP due to anxiety is as detrimental to your kidneys, heart, and blood vessels. Besides, since anxiety could prompt you to turn to unhealthy habits like smoking, drinking, and overeating; you also run the risk of acquiring hypertension later on.

Contributed By: Maris Modesto

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Maximize the Destressing Benefits of Relaxation Response

As you get started with your relaxation response practice, do it properly by observing these significant pointers:

  • Find time to do it.In starting out your relaxation response practice, it's imperative to find the right time that you have especially set aside for it. Depending on your schedule, see to it that once you have decided on the specific time, you would manage to keep it. Regularity requires sticking to a fixed schedule. This way, you are assured of fully absorbing the stress-relieving benefits of relaxation response into your system.
  • Never do it when you're feeling drowsy or lethargic. Since relaxation response activities are intended to relax you totally, they could make you sleepy. However, falling asleep would mean not being able to complete the exercise, hence, you miss out on getting the most from it. To prevent this, ascertain that the period you've chosen is nowhere near your bedtime or during those hours when you're likely to feel drowsy.
  • Practice the activity that you like best. There are many different activities promoting the benefits of relaxation response, and all of them are equally effective. It all boils down to selecting the one which appeals to you the most.
Contributed By: Maris Modesto

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

What You Should Know About AS (Asperger's Syndrome)

At first glance, AS people are hardly any different from others. However, getting to know them better or becoming intimate with them would give you a closer look at what exactly it is about them that distinguishes them from the rest. As it is, AS people are very well capable of functioning in typical life settings just like everybody else. However, they possess specific symptoms, especially poor or immature socialization skills and a distinctive oddity of behavior, specifically categorizing them among the 400,000 families suspected to be riddled with Asperger's syndrome—a neurobiological disorder characterized by impaired social skills and poor coordination.

Although diagnosis can be made as early as the age of three, it is not unusual for most AS people to be misdiagnosed with ADHD before it can be confirmed that what they have is actually AS later on. To familiarize you better with the nature of AS, here are its other symptoms:

  • Predilection for “self” topics when conversing with others
  • Robotic and reiterative speech
  • Not having enough “common sense”
  • Academic problems; specifically with math, reading, or writing
  • Unusual mannerisms and/or behaviors
  • Bungling movements
  • Fixation for complicated topics (patterns, music, etc.)
  • Improper and/or limited social interactions
Contributed By: Maris Modesto

Monday, April 5, 2010

Foolproof Tips in Managing Sunburn

“An ounce of prevention is always better than a pound of cure.” The truth of this popular adage can never be disputed, especially where one's health is at stake. As it is, this also applies to even seemingly mundane complaints as sunburn. Typical during the hot summer months, the best step in addressing sunburn is through conscientious prevention. Capable of ruining the skin - the main organ used for heat control and fluid retention as well as protection against infection - handling sunburn can be done by following these foolproof tips:

Get indoors or shield sunburned areas immediately. Further exposure to the sun after you have had sunburn would only worsen it.

Spot check the sunburned area for blisters. The latter are indications of second-degree burns, meaning that the affected are has suffered complete damage and is already prone to complications. Emergency cases calling for immediate medical attention would be indicated by having such a big blister that it could cover an entire abdomen or is bigger than an arm.

Ease the discomfort and pain via a shower or bath. Aloe or over-the-counter cooling agents could also be applied on the affected areas. However, never use oil or butter.

Contributed By: Maris Modesto